
Techno Sod turf laying

Installing turfgrass sod on a putting green, a football stadium or around a swimming pool is a very delicate operation that requires know how. That is why we provide, exclusively to the professional sector, our Techno Sod laying service. By using our team of skilled workers, we guarantee you will get a perfectly installed turf. Here how we operate when we install our big rolls (Lay&Play):


  1. Inspection of the site to verify absence of weeds, perfect drainage and proper leveling. Eventual chemical weed elimination
  2. Surface fraise mowing and removal of the first few centimeters of grass and tatch; light cultivation of the soil surface and possible integration with silica sand, organic fertilizers and soil bio-activators
  3. Final soil leveling and distribution over the finished level of a silica sand + zeolite soil mix for a thickness of about 3 cm. Distribution of a starter mineral fertilizer and light rolling


  1. Even mechanical unrolling and laying of the bigrolls, avoiding the formation of joints
  2. Manual repair of any holes or soil depressions
  3. Light rolling
  4. Treatment with biostimulants-root enhancers, fungicides and pigments with anti-stress action
  5. Control and scheduling of proper turf irrigation
Techno Sod turf laying<br />
Techno Sod turf laying<br />
Techno Sod turf laying<br />